I'm very happy to say "Notography" is in it's final stages of development, the stage where the app receives a very thorough testing and the promotional material is produced. This time for the App Store art I wanted to enhance the quality of the image layout so I am using a local design studio to come up with the images.
Marketing was never one of my strong suits but when you are in this market place, it is a learn, adapt or die situation. I've learnt a lot from previous releases and hopefully this product launch will go as planned.
The next thing on my list is a major update to "Defects Collector" which will receive a functionality it and aesthetic overhaul to improve the overall flow, performance and give users what they have been requesting.
In other news, I'm getting equipment and software to be able to start doing a weekly YouTube show on iOS development. This is something I've wanted to do for ages but just haven't had time. This project isn't for financial gain, just something I believe to be fun and also to help the community grow.